
17+ ways to Make a Slow Laptop a Faster laptop

Man Sitting on a Green Grass Field

In today’s fast-paced digital world, a slow laptop can be a source of immense frustration.

Whether you use your laptop for work, entertainment, or simply staying connected with friends and family, a sluggish device can significantly hinder your productivity and overall computing experience.

Fortunately, there are numerous effective strategies and techniques that can breathe new life into your aging or sluggish laptop, transforming it into a faster, more responsive machine.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore 17+ proven ways to make a slow laptop a faster one, ranging from simple software optimizations to hardware upgrades.

Disable Unnecessary Background Processes in the System Tray.

Is your system tray cluttered with icons? You might be surprised at how these seemingly innocent icons can hog resources.

By turning off unnecessary background processes, you can give your laptop the breathing space it needs to perform better.

When you start your laptop, many programs automatically run in the background. Some of them are essential, but others are not. To turn off unnecessary processes, right-click the system tray icon and select “Exit” or “Disable.” This simple step can make a noticeable difference in your laptop’s speed.

Stop programs running on startup.

Usually, the software installed has an option that automatically runs when booting up your machine. Too many are going to make your computer take too long before the software can work, and therefore, it is recommended to read and regularly prune these lists. Right-click on the Taskbar and select Task Manager (or press ctrl-shift-exit).

startup programs

In this tab, you can view all the things that happen during startup, including the impact they may cause. Take them and decide if the ones that are not automatic will not start. Please note that this program has a vital role in a Windows operation. Some publishers are better left unnamed.

Keep up with updates.

Keep Windows, Drivers, and Applications Up to Date Keeping your laptop’s operating system, drivers, and applications up to date is crucial for optimal performance. Updates often include bug fixes and performance enhancements that can make your laptop run smoother.

Delete Old Software

Usually, your new laptop will come with a program you may not need to use at Installation.

It is referred to as bloatware – because the downloads folder has a considerable size, takes up disk space, and is often completely unreachable.

It may happen that downloaded program files are never installed and cause your computer to slow. Check the installed app by:

Remove Unnecessary Files

Free Up Storage Space One common culprit behind a slow laptop is a lack of storage space.

If your hard drive is nearing capacity, it can significantly impact performance. Start by decluttering your files and removing any unnecessary data.

Begin by deleting old or redundant files, and don’t forget to empty your Recycle Bin.

You can also use the built-in Windows Disk Cleanup tool to identify and remove temporary files, system files, and other space-hogging items.

Additionally, consider transferring large files to an external storage device or cloud storage to free up valuable space on your laptop.

Uninstall unused programs

Almost all computers have programs or applications installed that may not appear before you’ve even noticed them.

You may have accessed apps program files you no longer want to use. Deactivating such programs can save hard disk space, enabling the computer to find your files quickly.

Free up your disk space

With time, laptops start automatically accumulating files and programs with on-screen instructions, which leaves no storage to do regular jobs. In a few moments, it is causing a slowdown of your laptop.

Try running Disk Cleanup on your PC to save your disks. Please see this list for an example of Disk Clean Up.

Disk Cleanup is a built-in tool that lets you remove unwanted files from the hard disk and clean up your computer.

Press a keyboard key and type disk clean. Choose the file types to eliminate. Then please confirm this.

Change your laptop’s power plan

The default power plan on all computers is balanced by default; the system can have more memory at slow speeds, use more memory on a slower processor, and reduce power consumption.

If you have an Intel laptop that uses a high-performance battery, it can increase its speed and more memory.

I’m sure this is how much ram will work out. 3) On the keyboard, press the keyboard icon and the mouse button.

You can also click the Control panel. Under Views, tap Large Icon. Select the Power option. Pick the best performance.

Locate the Settings tab

Find programs that eat up resources.

If your computer runs significantly slower, it might have some problems. How should we find the culprits of this? Click the Taskbar with the right-click button.

Choose Task Manager. Click Processes to view a list of programs running in the current operating system of our computers.

Clicking on each header can be sorted based on which application uses the best resource. During this process, you may be able to close your application first.

Then click on the Reload Task Manager application.

Resource-Intensive Software

Identify Resource-Intensive Software Applications Some software applications can be real resource hogs, causing your laptop to slow down. Identifying and managing these resource-intensive programs can help improve performance.

Open the Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc) and navigate to the “Processes” tab. Here, you can see which programs use the most CPU and memory resources.

If you find any non-essential applications consuming a significant amount of resources, consider closing them or uninstalling them if they are unnecessary.

Uninstall Software

Uninstall Software That Is No Longer Needed Over time, you may have accumulated many software applications on your laptop, some of which you no longer use. These unused programs can take up valuable storage space and slow down your system.

Take a moment to review your installed software. Go to the Control Panel (or Settings in Windows 10/11) and click on “Programs” or “Apps.”

Scroll through the list of installed applications and identify any uninstall programs that you no longer require. Uninstalling these unused programs not only frees up storage space but can also streamline your system’s performance.

Before you uninstall any software, make sure you won’t need it in the future. Some applications might be bundled with essential drivers installed apps or utilities for your laptop, so exercise caution when removing them.

Windows features

Enable or Disable Windows Features as Needed Windows operating systems come with various features, some of which you may not use or need. Turning these features on or off can help optimize your laptop’s performance based on your specific requirements.

To access Windows Features, type “Windows Features” into the Start menu’s search bar and click “Turn Windows features on or off.” Here, you’ll find a list of features you can turn on or off. For instance, if you don’t use Internet Explorer, you can turn it off.

Similarly, you can help or turn off features like Remote Desktop or Windows Media Player, depending on your preferences.

a simple list over windows features

By customizing your Windows Features, you can reduce unnecessary background processes and free up system resources for tasks that matter to you.

Disk Cleanup

Perform Disk Cleanup to Reclaim Storage Over time, temporary files, caches, and system logs can accumulate on your laptop’s hard drive, occupying valuable storage space and slowing down your system.

Regular disk cleanups can help you regain storage and enhance your laptop’s performance.

To run a disk cleanup, search for “Disk Cleanup” in the Start menu and open the tool. Select the drive you want to clean (usually C:), and the device will analyze your disk for unnecessary files. You can choose which types of files to delete, such as temporary files, system files, and more.

By regularly cleaning your disk, you not only will free up space for storage space but also ensure that your laptop operates more efficiently.

Optimize your hard disk space

Optimize Your Hard Drive for Better Performance If your laptop uses a traditional hard disk drive (HDD) rather than a solid-state drive (SSD), optimizing your HDD can significantly improve performance. Over time, HDDs can become fragmented, which can slow down data access times.

To optimize your hard drive, you can use the built-in Windows utility called “Defragment and Optimize Drives.” Search for it in the Start menu, select your HDD, and click “Optimize.”

This process will reorganize data on your hard drive, making it more efficient and improving overall speed.

If your laptop already has an SSD, you don’t need to defragment it, as SSDs operate differently from HDDs and don’t suffer fragmentation issues.

Graphics and animations

Fine-Tune Graphics and Animation Preferences Enhancing your laptop’s performance doesn’t stop at managing background processes; you can also fine-tune graphics and animation settings to make it faster.

To do this, right-click on your desktop and select “Graphics Properties” (this option may vary depending on your graphics card).

From there, you can adjust settings like screen resolution, refresh rate, and 3D performance. Lowering these settings can ease the strain on your graphics card and result in smoother overall performance.

Additionally, you can navigate to your Windows settings and disable or reduce visual effects, such as animations and transparency. These adjustments can help your laptop run more efficiently, mainly with limited graphics capabilities.

Security scan

Perform a Security Scan for Potential Threats Security threats can also impact your laptop’s performance.

Malware, viruses, and other malicious software can consume system resources, leading to a sluggish laptop. Regularly scanning your computer for potential threats is essential for maintaining security and speed.

Ensure you have reliable antivirus software installed and keep it up to date. Schedule periodic full system scans and configure your antivirus to perform real-time scans of downloaded files and attachments.

In addition to antivirus software, be cautious when downloading files or clicking on links from untrusted sources. Practicing safe browsing habits can go a long way in keeping your laptop both secure and speedy.

Disable Virtual assistance

Deactivate Virtual Assistant Features (e.g., Cortana) Virtual assistants like Cortana can be helpful, but they can also consume system resources, especially when running in the background.

Turning off these features can free up precious CPU and memory, making your laptop run faster.

To turn off virtual assistant features on Windows 10/11, click on the Start menu, open the “Settings” app, and search for “Cortana.”

cortana app

You can then disable or customize its settings to prevent it from running background processes or responding to voice commands. This can lead to a more responsive laptop, mainly if you’re not actively using these features.

Restart Your Web Browser If you’re experiencing slowdowns while browsing the web, restarting your web browser can be a quick fix.

Over time, web browsers accumulate many more temporary files, data and tabs that can consume memory and CPU resources.

Close your browser and reopen it. This will clear out unnecessary data and tabs, providing a smoother browsing experience.

You can also use browser extensions or settings to limit the number of open invoices or automatically suspend unused charges to conserve resources.

Close Excessive Browser Tabs

Close Excessive Browser Tabs While we’re on web browsing, it’s common for people to have multiple tabs open simultaneously. However, having too many accounts can strain your laptop’s resources, leading to a slower performance.

To optimize your laptop, periodically review your open tabs and close those you no longer need. Use browser extensions to help you manage and organize your accounts more efficiently.

This will reduce the memory and CPU load on your laptop, resulting in a snappier browsing experience.

Antivirus Solution

Consider Trying a Different Antivirus Solution While antivirus software is essential for protecting your laptop; some antivirus programs can be resource-intensive and slow down your system.

If you notice that your laptop’s performance has been affected by your antivirus software, it might be worth considering a switch to a lighter alternative.

Research and compare antivirus programs with a reputation for being lightweight and efficient. Some antivirus solutions are designed to minimize their impact on system resources while providing robust protection against threats.

A well-chosen antivirus program can help maintain both security and performance.

Minimize Multitasking

Minimize Multitasking to Improve System Responsiveness Multitasking can be a productivity boon, but it can also strain your laptop’s resources, leading to slower performance.

If you frequently have multiple applications open simultaneously, your computer may struggle to keep up.

To boost your laptop’s speed, consider minimizing multitasking. Close unnecessary applications and browser tabs when you’re not actively using them.

If you need to switch between tasks frequently, use keyboard shortcuts like Alt + Tab (Windows) or Command + Tab (Mac) to navigate between open applications efficiently.

By reducing the number of active processes, you’ll free up system resources, resulting in a more responsive and faster laptop.

Laptop’s Visual Effects

Adjust your Laptop’s Visual Effects. Your laptop’s operating system offers a variety of visual effects, such as animations, shadows, and transitions.

While these effects can enhance the user experience, they can also consume system resources and slow down your laptop.

To optimize your laptop’s performance, you can adjust these visual effects. In Windows, right-click on “This PC” or “My Computer,” go to “Properties,” click on “Advanced system settings,” and then navigate to the “Advanced” tab.

Under the “Performance” section, click on “Settings.” Here, you can choose between “Adjust for best performance” to turn off most visual effects or “Custom” to select specific products to disable.

Clean Your Desktop

Organize and Clean Your Desktop A cluttered desktop can contribute to slower system performance too, especially when you have numerous files and shortcuts scattered across it. Each icon on your desktop consumes some system resources to display.

To optimize your laptop, take a few moments to organize and clean your desktop. Create folders to categorize your files and shortcuts, and move them out of the desktop folder.

This will not only make your desktop look tidier but also reduce the strain on your laptop’s resources.

Additionally, consider using a desktop wallpaper that isn’t too visually complex, as intricate wallpapers can use more system resources. A clean desktop can help your laptop run more smoothly.

Monitor and Manage Temperature

Monitor and Manage Temperature Overheating can lead to decreased laptop performance and even hardware damage.

Laptops can accumulate dust and debris, blocking airflow and causing the internal components to overheat.

Monitoring and managing your laptop’s temperature is crucial for maintaining optimal performance.

You can use third-party temperature monitoring software or built-in tools to check your laptop’s temperature.

If running too hot, you may need to clean the internal components or invest in a laptop cooling pad to dissipate heat more effectively.

Check for the Latest Updates

You can get maximum use out of Windows 10 by installing Windows Updater. Microsoft often releases updates for a variety of common software problems affecting systems.

Some updates could be minor, and many could be significant modifications to the system meant to look for the newest device driver, which will improve the computer’s performance.

To verify the update status, open the Windows menu and choose Options > Upgrade & Security > Windows Update > Check update status. If updated versions are available, choose Installation right away. Start the laptop to check that it’s running correctly.

Community questions

How can I make my laptop faster?

Is it possible that the version of Windows laptop will slow down? Find the most resource-intensive projects.

Avoid the development of new business. Removes the software that is not in use. Get information on how much storage and about the storage needed. Make sure you install external storage systems.

Check for additional time-free disk space to use your computer. You are cleaning the discs. Defragment the memory of the device.

Can I speed up my laptop for free?

How can I delete unnecessary data from my laptop? It will save you time and free up free space and space by removing the data that you have. If there are apps you can use for deleting files on the computer system files you do not need, maybe this should be sorted out.

Can an old laptop be made faster?

If changing hardware isn’t a good solution, you could always open task manager and have Windows 10 remove the Start Program and background application for a faster machine. When using Windows 10, click Task Manager.

How do I make my laptop run faster?

How can I increase my laptop’s RAM speed? Find the resources for the program.

The best method of upgrading your PC’s and computer system’s performance is to look at what applications run on it. The “Mirrors” – ‘ Start a business. Remove unwanted software. ..

How do I fix my slow laptop?

How can I fix my computer battery problems? Install good antivirus software and make sure that you are not infected.

You can save time processing power just by removing the program that you no longer want to use.

Why is my laptop so slow?

Your computer might get bombarded by a large number of programs running automatically at the moment or by programs that you have never finished before.

Closing or uninstalling programs or deleting unnecessary software can accelerate the computer’s performance.

In conclusion,

a slow laptop can be a frustrating hindrance to productivity, but there are numerous ways to give your trusty device a new lease on life.

By following the tips outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can optimize your laptop’s performance and enjoy a smoother and more responsive computing experience.

From turning off unnecessary background processes to updating your software and cleaning up your storage, these steps can make a noticeable difference in your laptop’s speed and overall efficiency.

Additionally, managing resource-intensive programs, optimizing your hard disk, and fine-tuning graphics settings can enhance your laptop’s performance.

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Meta Descriptions:

  • Discover 17+ proven ways to turbocharge your slow laptop’s performance. Say goodbye to frustrating delays and hello to smooth computing.

    1. Is your laptop crawling at a snail’s pace? Learn how to make it lightning fast with our comprehensive guide. Boost productivity and enjoy a seamless experience.

    2. Don’t tolerate a slow laptop any longer. Our expert tips will help you transform it into a high-speed machine. Maximize your laptop’s potential today.

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